J & M Cleaning Services specialising in Professional Home and Small Office Cleaning. We understand that the cleaning work required by your business may be distinctly different to the business next door - this is why our experienced Sales and Area Managers work closely with you upfront, to develop a comprehensive cleaning plan specific to your requirements, and review on an ongoing basis to ensure you're receiving consistent, quality service from staff of the highest standard.
As the industry is turning to more sustainable cleaning supplies & solutions we have also launched a range of GECA certified products under our Enviroplus brand that provides a toxic free, plant-based organically powered cleaning solution for cleaners.
Whether you're a professional Airbnb investor or renting out your holiday home for a little extra cash, our Airbnb cleaning services ensure your property is absolutely spotless for the next guest - all without having to do any of the dirty grunt-work yourself.
By working with them and finding key innovative products to empower them in their day to day jobs, there is a sense of fulfillment shared by everyone in the company that we are doing the right thing for the right cause, and at the right time” James Bagshaw, Managing Director, Abco products.
We are full service Commercial Cleaners that provide custom Commercial Sanitizing solutions for your company's needs and comply with Workplace Health and Safety guidelines with weekly maintenance and professional detailed Commercial Cleaning services.
Holding a prestigious triple certification (Environmental Management, Quality Management and Work Health and Safety ), our NSW office cleaning staff are highly trained but, more importantly, are caring and compassionate individuals who will do everything they can to ensure your unique cleaning needs are met.
As an introductory offer I can give you a 10% discount on oven cleaning when you purchase the Mini Deluxe. Aladdin is definitely proud of being one of the best in the steam cleaning service Sydney could get. Each of our professional cleaners is fully-certified and undergoes a mandatory police check before being taken on board.
I've now had a number of different cleaners through this company and they have all done an outstanding job. These are only a few of the ongoing projects that we are undertaking to fulfill our purpose and support the cleaners that work hard every day to keep our communities clean.
Surely you will receive a great cleaning service for your carpets - just exactly what you deserve. We have 50 office phones that require cleaning. We believe our commitment to research Office cleaning and development demonstrates our dedication for continuous improvement allowing us to work strategically with our clients to develop innovative and sustainable cleaning solutions.