3. For the granting of a concession will require that the Port Authority has available land and water spaces object thereof, except in those cases in which, next the date of termination of a concession, the granting of a new being processed on the same land and water areas, and in those cases in which accurate execution of works by the Port Authority prior to the provision.
That percentage may not exceed the percentage represented by the total annual activity of each port service performed by the licensee of self-provision or service integration in the geographical area and, where appropriate, in the type of and merchandise traffic, affected by the particular requirements of service apply.
The Port Authority shall consult, at least once a year, to the Committee regarding the conditions of provision of such services, and in particular on the rates of port services open to general use, organization and quality services and, if necessary, on the establishment, maintenance or agreement limiting the number of service providers.
B) All those who have a stake or direct interest in companies or entities that perform or have submitted bids for the realization in the port of works and supplies, or any activity that generates relevant to the Port Authority, except expenses concerned Entities or Corporations of Public law or who hold a position of business elective representation of national, regional or local level.
5. The Ministry of Development, following a favorable report from the Ministries of Economy and Finance, Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Health, Social Policy and Equality and Employment and Immigration, authorized in state ports conducting business operations.
1. The Public Agency State Ports shall, after hearing the Port Authorities and reports of the Directorate General of the Merchant Marine and the Empresas de aluminio Vigo Ministry of Interior, Regulation of Exploitation and Police of ports that will regulate the operation of the various services and operations.
G) The management and control of maritime traffic in the waters situated in areas where Spain exercises sovereignty, sovereign rights or jurisdiction, without prejudice to the powers attributed to other authorities, and specifically those under the Ministry Defense for safeguarding national sovereignty.
1. The number of members of the manning of ships and their conditions of vocational training must be adequate to ensure safety of navigation and ship at all times, taking into account its technical and operational characteristics, in terms legally established.
The architects Jesus Irisarri and Guadalupe Piсera has been responsible for projecting this building of changing conditions in the Centre of Vigo, the transparency of the building has helped to revive the public activity in the plaza of the Galician people.
B) Integration of staff employment contract with the Directorate General of Ports, including Marine Program Climate and Oceanographic Data Bank, and the working staff of the central services of the Administrative Commission of Ports Group, as staff State Ports.
3. Licenses authorizing the provision of port services under autoprestación or integration of services shall comply with the particular requirements of services, excluding the content of such licensing clauses to which Article 116 refers to the conditions the same and which, if any, has determined the maritime Administration issued the report.