When you have suffered an injury that was no fault of your own, it can be challenging to handle the stress of seeking a personal injury attorney. Lead Counsel's objective process independently verifies attorney records, conferring with state bars across the country and conducting annual reviews to confirm that the attorney practices in the legal categories as indicated, possesses a valid bar license, and is eligible to practice in the specific jurisdiction.
This national organization is comprised of attorneys dedicating their time and resources to championing the injured worker seeking changes in legislation to secure a safer workplace environment and ensuring that injured workers secure the benefits that are due to them as a result of on-the-job accidents.
To provide the best service, our Anderson injury law firm has offices located in Carmel , Indianapolis , and Anderson , and we have successfully advocated for clients throughout Indiana, including Fort Wayne , Gary , Indianapolis , and South Bend Stewart & Stewart is an Anderson personal injury law firm committed to protecting the rights of injured victims throughout Indiana.
In addition, if your medical expenses were paid by a health insurer, governmental agency, workers compensation carrier, or other collateral source provider, that entity may possess a subrogation claim and be entitled to repayment of some or all of the amount they paid toward your medical bills.
The Cossio Law Firm, located in Savannah, Georgia, has assisted clients in that metro area since 2010 with wrongful death and personal injury cases arising from car and truck accidents, slip and falls, medical malpractice, and defective and dangerous products.
Although nothing can replace a loved one or make up for permanent injuries, compensation can go a long way toward enabling families to pay medical costs, cover unpaid bills, and ensuring that the injured party receives the best long-term medical and rehabilitative care available.
Based in the firm's New Milford office, Attorney Mancini represents individual, corporate and public sector clients in a wide range of Civil Litigation cases, including the prosecution and defense of claims in contract, construction, property, tax appeal, insurance, and commercial disputes.
C. After he gives written notice that he represents an injured person, an attorney, or an individual injured in a motor vehicle accident if he is not represented by counsel, may, prior to the filing of a civil action for personal injuries Family Law Attorney Anderson sustained as a result of a motor vehicle accident, request in writing that the insurer disclose the limits of liability of any motor vehicle liability or any personal injury liability insurance policy that may be applicable to the claim.
If you have been injured in a car accident, motorcycle accident , bus accident, semi truck accident , or have suffered injury due to the negligence of another, the Anderson car accident attorneys at Indiana Personal Injury Attorney will get to work for you immediately.
A. Any person who takes from a person who has sustained a personal injury a signed written statement or voice recording of any statement relative to such injury shall deliver to such injured person a copy of such written statement forthwith or a verified typed transcription of such recording within 30 days from the date such statement was given or recording made, when and if the statement or recording is transcribed or in all cases when requested by the injured person or his attorney.
While all motor vehicle accidents are serious, truck accidents, especially those involving passenger vehicles, have a higher chance of resulting in fatal injuries. In most instances, having an attorney help you with your accident claim is going to result in you receiving more money, as well as ensure you don't miss strict deadlines that could bar you from ever making a recovery.
Typically, a reputable personal injury attorney will examine your claim to determine if you would not have been injured had the at-fault party acted differently. At a time when they need their insurance companies most, they may find themselves treated unfairly, given the runaround, and wrongfully denied the fair compensation they deserve.